How to Sew a Cord Keeper

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Isn’t it frustrating when you have cords everywhere? That’s why I wanted to share how to sew a cord keeper (also known as a cord wrap). It is so easy, but can save you so much frustration!

cord keeper on white background with purple pens

Even if you only have one cord, it can be really annoying when it unrolled and laying across your desk or end table. Or when it gets tangled with other things in a drawer.

Just sew a few of these cord wraps and you’ll instantly get more organized! Make them in all of the colors and patterns that you like with fabric scraps.

These are great for keeping the following items organized:

  • Phone charging cords
  • Earphones
  • Charging cords for electronics
  • Extension cords

P.S. You might also like making these easy hand-sewn felt trays or these nesting canvas valet trays to keep accessories organized, too.

I don’t suggest using these cord wraps to keep the cords tidy when using the cord. But when you are storing them, this is a quick and easy way to get them organized.

Especially if you are traveling. You don’t want cords to get tangled in your purse, backpack or luggage.

You might also like our other travel related sewing crafts:

Cord Keeper on White background

How to Sew a Cord Wrap


cord keeper supplies on cutting mat


Step 1

Cut two 3” x 5” rectangles of fabric.

Cord Keeper Step 1

Step 2

At an angle, cut ½” off each corner on one of the short sides of both of the rectangle pieces.

Cord Keeper Step 2

Step 3

Place fabric pieces with right sides together and edges lined up. Clip together.

Cord Keeper Step 4

Step 4

Sew around the perimeter with a ¼” seam allowance, leaving a 2” opening in the middle of one side.

Cord Keeper Step 5
Cord Keeper Step 6

Step 5

Turn right side out. Use a turning tool or chopstick to gently press out the corners.

Cord Keeper Step 7
Cord Keeper Step 8

Step 6

Turn the opening under ¼” and clip to hold. Press if necessary.

Cord Keeper Step 9

Step 7

Top stitch all of the way around the perimeter, stitching together all sides.

Cord Keeper Step 10

Step 8

Place one side of the hook and loop closure at the center top of the square end, just under the stitches. Sew it to the wrapper by sewing around the perimeter to make a square. Be sure to do a quick backstitch at the end to secure the stitching.

Cord Keeper Step 11
Cord Keeper Step 12

Step 9

Flip the cord keeper over. Place the other piece of hook and loop closure in the center of the tapered end, underneath the stitches. Clip in place. Try closing the cord wrapper and make sure that the Velcro matches up in the right position. Adjust if you need to. Then sew it down as in the step before.

Cord Keeper Step 13
Cord Keeper Step 14

Wrap around cord and secure with hook and loop.

Cord Keeper Step 15

Be sure to Pin This to your sewing or DIY boards to save for later!

fabric cord wrap around phone charging cord

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